Djblets is our Django utility library full of reusable components for Review Board. It has datagrids (which powers the dashboard), the API framework, the extension framework, dynamic site configuration, and lots of other utilities.
We just landed a set of changes to bring compatibility with Django 1.8! Let me tell you, going from 1.6 to 1.8 is a huge process, and retaining compatibility with both is not easy. Still, this is a big step.
That’s going into Djblets 0.9, but experimentally. We may actually lock Djblets 0.9 to Django 1.6.x, in order to prevent scenarios where a user upgrades Djblets and it accidentally pulls in the wrong version of Django. We’ll see, though
Also, this does not mean Review Board is anywhere near supporting Django 1.8. That’s a loooong ways off. Review Board 3.0 at the earliest. There’s a lot of work to do there still, and a lot of work to do in Django Evolution to convert to Django’s new migrations support.
(That part is scary.)