Djblets 3.3: Typing, Symbols, AmountSelectorWidget

Djblets 3.3 introduces a new form field widget for unit-based number input and further enhances our support for Python type hints.

Typing Improvements

The following modules now support Python type hints:

A new djblets.util.typing module has been added with new useful types, including KwargsDict, StrOrPromise, JSONValue, JSONDict, and JSONList.

Utility Symbols

A new djblets.util.symbols module has been added with utility symbols that can be used in APIs.

Right now, this includes UNSET, which can be used as a default result or value in many APIs instead of using None. More will be added in time.


The new AmountSelectorWidget can be used in form fields to let users input a number and select a unit (such as bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes).

See the release notes for more details on Djblets 3.3.


$ pip3 install Djblets==3.3

Learn More

Djblets 3.3 release notes

Christian Hammond

President/CEO of Beanbag. Developer of Review Board and RBCommons. Lover of sushi and bees. Not at the same time.