Bitten by downtime – Here’s what’s next

Updated 4:18PM: We came back up just over an hour ago, but were not totally reliable, as Amazon’s services were still under maintenance. Things seem to have now stabilized, and you should be able to use RBCommons reliably again.


A few minutes ago, we were alerted to the fact that RBCommons is down. We host on Amazon, and it seems the file storage backend we use is temporarily down, which they’re looking into. On the one-hand, it means they’re on it, and we should be back up soon. On the other, it means everyone is down right now.

This, of course, sucks.

I expect we’ll be back up pretty soon. In the meantime, here’s what we’re going to do to make this less of a problem in the future.

We’ve been preparing this past week on enhancing Review Board and RBCommons so that we can more easily scale out across more of what Amazon calls “availability zones.” We’re close, and when we’re done, we’ll be spreading out our services and adding some more redundancy so this won’t bite us again.

We’re also going to work to become less reliant on EBS, so that if it goes down again, it won’t impact us, or you.

If you were impacted by this today, e-mail us and let us know. We’ll work to make you happy.

Christian Hammond

President/CEO of Beanbag. Developer of Review Board and RBCommons. Lover of sushi and bees. Not at the same time.