Plans for Review Board’s bug tracker

Many of you may have heard that Google Code is going read-only starting tomorrow, and some have asked us how this will affect the project, since we host our bug tracker there.

Not to worry. Google’s been nice enough to whitelist us for a little while, so even though most of Google Code will be down, we’ll continue to be up. This is not permanent, but for the time-being, you’ll still be able to report bugs at the old address.

Going forward, we’ll be migrating off of Google Code and onto a new tracker. That will happen in the coming weeks, and we’ll talk more about it when it happens.

So why the delay? Why did Google need to extend the shutdown date for us? We actually have something new on the way that we’re pretty excited about. We call it Splat, and while still very young, it’s shaping up to a pretty cool bug/issue tracker. We weren’t quite prepared to switch over to it by the shutdown date, but we have enough of it ready to launch pretty soon.

There’s a lot more that I’d like to say about Splat, but there will be time for that. We’ll make a more formal announcement soon.

Christian Hammond

President/CEO of Beanbag. Developer of Review Board and RBCommons. Lover of sushi and bees. Not at the same time.