RBTools 1.0.2: Fixes for Python 3, Two-Factor Auth, and More

Improved Python 3 Support

RBTools 1.0 introduced support for Python 3, and since then many more of our users have switched over and sent us patches to improve that support. We’ve also improved our testing, helping us to maintain a more stable Python 3 codebase.

Two-Factor Auth for RBCommons

The support for Two-Factor Authentication in RBCommons has been completely redone to avoid login rate limit issues, missing headers, and trouble logging in.

Going forward, RBTools 1.0.2 will be the minimum version required for RBCommons accounts using Two-Factor Authentication.

Git Improvements

We’ve improved upon the smart tracking branch detection logic introduced in RBTools 1.0, which is designed to find the right tracking branch for your local changes. It now does a better job of finding a suitable branch if your repository doesn’t have an origin remote, and gives priority to the one provided in --tracking-branch.

Support for disabling Git file rename detection has also been added, for those cases where Git is getting too aggressive and making for bad diffs. Simply pass --no-renames to rbt post or rbt diff to generate a diff without renamed files.

A Step Toward Better Error Messages

We’ve working to improve error messages throughout our products, to help guide people when things go wrong.

If RBTools is pointing to a bad Review Board URL, it no longer just fails with an HTTP status code or cryptic error message. RBTools will now inspect the URL to determine what may have gone wrong, and offer guidance on resolving the problem.

Error messages in our API and other commands have also been fixed. We’ll be making further improvements in future releases.

Plus More

  • Perforce diffs now contain information on binary files
  • Aliases invoking shell commands now preserve their quotes and escape sequences
  • Patches from users with private profiles enabled can now be applied to new commits without crashing

See the release notes for the full list of changes.

Christian Hammond

President/CEO of Beanbag. Developer of Review Board and RBCommons. Lover of sushi and bees. Not at the same time.