Django Evolution 2.2: Django 3.2-4.1 Support

Django Evolution 2.2 is a major feature release, offering new database features, improved compatibility, and several bug fixes.

Django Evolution is our alternative database migration library for Django, which supports a wide range of Django versions and optimized application of database changes. It targets self-managed applications, like Review Board, which may potentially go several releases between upgrades.

The highlights include:

  • Compatibility with Django 1.6 through 4.1, and Python 2.7 through 3.11
  • Support for conditions, expressions, opclasses, and field lists in Django’s Index classes.
  • Ability to change field types in ChangeField.
  • Improved settings for defining project-provided custom evolutions.
  • Bug fixes for MySQL compatibility, edge cases in SQL generation for indexes, and Python 3.10 compatibility.

The release notes cover the full list of changes in Django Evolution 2.2.

Christian Hammond

President/CEO of Beanbag. Developer of Review Board and RBCommons. Lover of sushi and bees. Not at the same time.