beanbag-docutils 2.2: Enhanced JSON Output

beanbag-docutils is our collection of extensions for the Sphinx documentation platform.

This is a major feature release that introduces some new capabilities for JSON output, making it easier to integrate documentation into your own sites:

  • The metadata extension extracts .. meta:: into the JSON output for a page.
  • The json_writer extension replaces the sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml JSON writer and includes both a copy of the docs-wide Table of Contents structure in the globalcontext.fjson file and per-page anchor navigation HTML in the page’s .fjson file.

You can see how we make use of these new capabilities in the brand-new Review Board documentation site.


$ pip3 install beanbag-docutils==2.2

Learn More

Christian Hammond

President/CEO of Beanbag. Developer of Review Board and RBCommons. Lover of sushi and bees. Not at the same time.