RBCommons: New and Improved

Tonight, we deployed a major update to RBCommons that brings with it an improved look and feel and an assortment of new features.

RBCommons, as you may know, is powered by Review Board. Historically, we’ve used Review Board 1.6 under the hood, but now we’re on 1.7, the latest and greatest.



The first thing you should notice when you next log in is that there’s a cleaner, smoother feel to the site. Fewer sharp edges. More consistent font sizes. We’ve strived to bring more consistency and to shed a lot of our older warts. This will only get better from here on out.

As an example, look at how a review request used to look:

Old Look and Feel

Compared to how it now looks:

New Look and Feel


Improved Issue Tracking

It can be hard to keep track of all the issues your teammates want you to fix, especially if there’s a lot of reviews. Sometimes things just get missed. That would happen to us, at least, so we decided to fix it.

A summary of all opened issues is now shown right on the review request, making it easy to see how much work you have to do. You can filter the list or jump down to the relevant comments with one click.

Issue Summary Table



Moved Files in Diffs

If you’re using RBCommons with Git or Perforce, we’ll now show your moved files intelligently, instead of one big delete and one big add. That means you can move a file, make some changes, post it for review, and you’ll see those changes show up. Much easier to review!


Better File Attachments

We used to support uploading both screenshots and arbitrary file attachments, and you had to tell us which it was. Pretty ugly. It’s much simpler now. Just drag-and-drop your file onto the review request, and it’ll be attached. We’ll even show a preview of the file if we can (currently this supports images, MarkDown files, ReStructured Text files, and generic text-based files).

Just like before, you can review images, just like diffs. We’re going to be adding this ability for other types of files in the future.


Like it? Hate it? Have questions?

Let us know!

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Adding Multiple Team Admins

We always had the ability for your team to have multiple administrators, but that’s been something that we’d have to set for you. This has been one of our more common requests as of late. So we’ve made it easy for you to assign new administrators to your team.

In your Team Admin page, you’ll now see a little pencil next to each of your users. Click the pencil and you’ll see a dropdown with an Administrator checkbox.


Assign an administrator


Guess what happens when you check it?

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Announcing Default Reviewers

Find yourself typing the same reviewers over and over, for every new review request? Us too. You don’t have to deal with that anymore.

Administrators can now decide what groups or users will be assigned by default for new review requests. There’s a lot of flexibility here. You can determine the default reviewers based on file paths (which are based on regular expressions), and these can be configured across all repositories or just one or two. Create as many configurations as you want for all your needs.

To configure these, just go into your Team Admin page and click Default Reviewers on the left, then Add a default reviewer.

Tip: If you’re a small team, you can have all new review requests automatically assigned to a group. Just:

  1. Add a default reviewer.
  2. Leave your list of specific repositories blank. This way, it’ll apply to all of them
  3. Set the File regular expression field to: “.*” (without the quotes)
  4. Choose your group and save.
  5. Post a review request to test it out.

If you have any questions on configuring these, contact us at any time.

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Announcing Easy Plan Changes

As RBCommons grows, more and more of you have grown with it, and have outgrown your old plans. While we’re just an e-mail away (say hi sometime!) and have been happy to switch your team to more roomy plans, that’s just frankly taking up more of your time than you deserve.

Starting today, you can switch your team’s plan on the Account and Billing section of your Team Administration page. Just find the plan that best suits your needs and click Change Plan. After a few seconds, your team will be all set with the new plan. You can change at any time, and your account will be prorated for the month.

Of course, you’ll only be able to switch to a plan that’s big enough for your team.

If you’ve discussed an educational plan with us for a class, please contact us before switching your plan.

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Improving Team Administration

We just landed a large and improved change to the Team Administration pages that we hope will make things much easier for you administrators out there. We had a couple main focuses:


Navigation and Layout Improvements

Understanding and navigating the Team Administration section is now a breeze. We’re no longer showing all your information and configuration on one long page. Now you’ll have a clear list of administration pages you can access, which are listed on the left-hand side of your administration pages.

We’ve modernized the style of Team Administration pages to both be less bland and to be more consistent and clear. You’ll see improvements across all your pages. For example, the list of users in your team will show their gravatars, if they have one set, while the Account and Billing page will give you a clear display of the important information on the credit card you have on file and will clearly display if your card has expired.


Payment History

A very common request was to make it easier to see your past payments. We send out e-mails with this information every month, but it’s handy to be able to look it up, especially if an e-mail ended up in the spam folder by mistake.

You’ll now find a handy “Payment History” page showing every month’s payment you’ve made since signing up for RBCommons. Clicking on the link for the month will show you the invoice for that payment.

There’s still some work to do here. We’ll be rolling out coupon/discount information in your invoices soon, for those who have had coupons applied to their accounts.


Easier RBTools Configuration Info

We used to have a section on the Team Administration page showing you roughly what was needed for an RBTools (post-review) .reviewboardrc file. It was per-team, though, and not per-repository. We’ve fixed that. Go to your Repositories page, and you’ll see an “RBTools Configuration” button next to each repository with exactly what information is needed to set it up with post-review.


Coming Soon…

We have a few more changes that will be trickling in over the next month to make it easier to create new groups, invite users, and generally get set up.

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2012 End of Year Sale!

We’ve had a pretty good year, and to celebrate, we’re throwing a sale!

Through the end of the year, if you sign up for a new Small, Medium, or Large plan, you will receive 50% off the price for 3 months.

If you’ve signed up for a new plan in the past month, we’ll give you the new sale price. If you’re already a member and want to upgrade, we’ll give you the discounted price for your upgrade.

There’s never been a better time to give us a try, so take a look at what we have to offer and sign up today!

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Site update: Faster pages, new features

Tonight. we deployed a major update to the underlying Review Board code that powers RBCommons. We’ve been holding off on updating in order to get some widespread testing for some pretty significant speed improvements we made, and I’m pleased to say they’re ready.



This is the first thing you can expect when you next use the site. It should be a lot faster. We’ve sped up every page, and you’ll see the biggest differences when loading review requests (long ones in particular) and the diff viewer.

The smarts of the diff viewer have been improved, so we better handle very large diffs and diffs with very large lines. This used to take forever, but not anymore!

We did some performance testing on these new changes and saw some crazy drops in page render times. Average sized review request pages went from ~500ms to ~180ms. Large ones with dozens of reviews dropped from ~3 seconds to ~300ms. Diffs saw savings of a few seconds on average, or in pathological cases, as much as a minute.


Smart timestamps

Every time we show a date or time on a page now, you can always be sure that it’s relative to now. Sit and stare at a page for a few minutes and you’ll see time tick away.


Incremental diff expansion

This is my personal favorite new feature. Our diff headers (the brown parts that show the function or class name) have just gotten much more useful.

We now have little expand buttons on these headers. You can expand the diff by 20 lines at a time, or all the way up to the displayed function or class. Or you can still expand the whole thing if you need to.

This is one of those small things that should save you a lot of time.


Bug fixes galore

This update also comes with dozens of bug fixes. Many of these fix compatibility issues we had with certain types of diffs. A few highlights:

  • Git diffs with binary files, Subversion diffs with property changes, Mercurial diffs with spaces in the filename are all now working.
  • Subversion diffs that had broken $Keyword$ fields don’t break in the diff viewer anymore.
  • Git diffs created with format-patch no longer have their extra information (such as a commit description) stripped after uploading.
  • Better support for Mercurial, particularly on Google Code.
  • When using Parent diffs, new files are no longer styled wrong in the diff viewer.
If you run into any new problems, contact us and we’ll work to address them quickly.

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Downtime Post-Mortem

Now that we’re back up and running, I thought it’d be interesting to go over what happened, how and why we were affected, and what we’ve been working on to prevent such a thing from happening again.

Like many companies, we are hosted on Amazon Web Services, and like many companies, we were hit hard when some of their services went down.

We’re in good company though! Reddit, Foursquare, Heroku, Imgur, Flipboard, and many other companies were hit pretty hard as well. Oh, and part of the actual Amazon Web Services administration console. I’m sure we’re all doing some strategizing tonight.


What Happened?

Today, around 10:30AM, Amazon’s EBS (Elastic Block Storage, their filesystem implementation for servers) and RDS (Relational Database Service) services experienced “degraded performance” and “connectivity issues.” Really, they just flat out became inaccessible. This took our RBCommons, the Review Board website, and, for a period of time, the RBCommons Blog.

Pingdom notified us right away that we were down, and we immediately investigated. It took a while to send out an update as to what happened directly to our users, because that list of users was in the RDS instance we couldn’t reach.

Now the goal of any service in the cloud is to be resilient against such breakages. The whole point is to be able to spin up new instances and just go. So why didn’t we just do that?

Well, before you can do that, your architecture must support it. And for that, your dependencies must support it. You can’t rely upon local filesystem state, for instance. If we were some traditional database-backed app, we’d be fine, but we work very closely with various libraries for accessing repositories (libsvn, for example) and with SSH keys (which OpenSSH looks for on a local filesystem). In fact, RBCommons and Review Board are more than happy to scale out as far as needed, but some of our dependencies are not.


New Architecture

We’ve been preparing for this type of outage, but we just didn’t get there in time. The two large problems, distributed SSH key management and Subversion configuration/cert storage, have been mostly fixed.

We wrote a new SSH interface that can deal with distributed storage for SSH keys. It’s compatible with Subversion, Git, Mercurial, and anything else we need it for. We’re no longer limited to the local filesystem storage for SSH. In fact, we don’t even need it. Any instance we spin up will have full access to the keys, and the keys can be made redundant, all while still being securely stored.

We’ve also worked around Subversion’s requirement for local filesystem access for cert storage and configuration. We now carefully store the configuration and certificates we expect for Subversion within the database and then ensure the local instance has that state before performing a request. We can bring up a new instance and not require any reconfiguration.

Both of these options together will allow us to move to a model where something like an EBS failure won’t hurt us very much. Unfortunately, both are still being tested and we weren’t ready to deploy just yet.

Oh the timing…


Deployment Strategy

Now that we’re back up and running, our focus for the week will be to get the new architecture in and to get everyone’s accounts migrated.

Once that is done, we can begin transitioning off of EBS and using what is called a Local Instance Store. This is a filesystem that exists only for that instance, while it is up and running. They’re populated when we deploy the instance and can safely disappear when we tear it down. This creates a nice little bundle that we can start up as many times as we like, in as many availability zones as we need.

The next step from there is to switch to a multi-availability zone deployment of RDS. This will require a bit more testing, but should increase our resilience against RDS failures.

We’re investigating deploying a service in front of our blog and RBCommons front page that will keep an off-site cache of the main pages so that people can still see the site content while the sites are down. This won’t allow you to review code, but at least you’ll know there’s a problem and see some indication of what’s going on.

We’re also looking into the best way to provide an RBCommons health status page to show you the current state of our services and a description of what’s going on, so you’ll have something to furiously reload to keep you informed.

Cloud infrastructure is going to go down from time to time. There’s no avoiding that. We’re hopeful that when that happens next time, none of you will notice.

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Bitten by downtime – Here’s what’s next

Updated 4:18PM: We came back up just over an hour ago, but were not totally reliable, as Amazon’s services were still under maintenance. Things seem to have now stabilized, and you should be able to use RBCommons reliably again.


A few minutes ago, we were alerted to the fact that RBCommons is down. We host on Amazon, and it seems the file storage backend we use is temporarily down, which they’re looking into. On the one-hand, it means they’re on it, and we should be back up soon. On the other, it means everyone is down right now.

This, of course, sucks.

I expect we’ll be back up pretty soon. In the meantime, here’s what we’re going to do to make this less of a problem in the future.

We’ve been preparing this past week on enhancing Review Board and RBCommons so that we can more easily scale out across more of what Amazon calls “availability zones.” We’re close, and when we’re done, we’ll be spreading out our services and adding some more redundancy so this won’t bite us again.

We’re also going to work to become less reliant on EBS, so that if it goes down again, it won’t impact us, or you.

If you were impacted by this today, e-mail us and let us know. We’ll work to make you happy.

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