We’re still working on wrapping up 2.5, and have plans for a small 2.6, but we’re also doing some work on the large 3.0 release. This will feature a lot of things, but one of those things is a major set of improvements on top of our API.
Our API is pretty great, overall. A lot of people use it with great success in quite a number of ways. It’s lacking, though, when it comes to some of the types of queries that can be performed.
Basically, the API is nested a bit too deeply. You can’t really make a query like “Give me all diff comments across all review requests from the past year.” We want that to be possible.
We also want a flexible approach to versioning, to help us going forward. There are a lot of options for this, and some work really well for many APIs, but maybe less so for our needs.
So, I’ve been toying with all this, and put together some initial design notes on API v3.
Nothing here is set in stone. I’m totally open to feedback!